«Perspective on European Film's Feature» | «A New deal for Authors’ Rights in 21st century Europe?« (Online-Sessions)
Nell'ambito dell'Assemblea Generale 2021 della della Federazione Europea dei Registi Audiovisivi FERA, due interessanti sessioni pubbliche online avranno luogo mercoledì sera, 1 dicembre 2021, e giovedì mattina, 2 dicembre 2021. (in inglese)
Due to a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases in Germany, the health situation has become too unstable to allow for an in-person event: as a result, and in coordination with its German hosts, FERA has moved its General Assembly 2021 online & postponed its in-person gathering in Frankfurt to May 11-13 2022.
The 2021 General Assembly Statutory Meeting will take place online next Wednesday December 1st, while the annual conference public panels will be streamed online, hosted by LICHTER FilmFest International Frankfurt.
Wednesday, December 1 – 17:00 to 18:30 CET:
The European film and audiovisual sector is undergoing massive changes accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, leading to films and audiovisual works being widely commoditized. What is the space of filmmakers and independent players in this new
context? What relationships can we build with audiences in the future? How can we face these new challenges together as Europeans?
Panel discussion with
- Costa Gavras, filmmaker,
- Rebecca O’Brien, Film producer & European Film Academy Deputy Chairwoman,
- Lucia Recalde, European Commission DG Connect, Deputy Director and Head of Unit «Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programmes», and
- Edith Sepp, Estonian Film Institute CEO and EFAD Vice-President.
Moderated by Klemen Dvornik, filmmaker and FERA Chair, and Pauline Durand-Vialle, FERA CEO.
Access link: https://youtu.be/k-uLkxeoTyM
Thursday, December 2 – 10:00 to 11:30 CET:
With the rise of global streamers in the European production and distribution markets, audiovisual authors’ contracts and licensing practices are evolving across the value chain. What do we need moving forward to ensure artistic, creative and industrial independence in Europe?Panel discussion with
- Cécile Despringre, SAA Executive Director,
- Marc du Moulin, ECSA Secretary General,
- David Kavanagh, FSE Executive Director,
- Ada Solomon, Producer & European Film Academy Deputy Chairwoman, and
- Katharina Uppenbrink, Initiative Urheberrecht Managing Director.
Moderated by Klemen Dvornik, filmmaker and FERA Chair, and Pauline Durand-Vialle, FERA CEO.
Access link: https://youtu.be/8GR7mfrCU5I